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Saturday 17 March 2012

My thoughts for this day...

Helping people is a big part of my life. Whether it is simply a kind word to brighten someone's day, being willing to listen, using my psychic gifts to help provide clarity and spiritual insight or creating joyful and colourful artwork to inspire and uplift a soul. These things I do happily and with purpose because I choose to live my dream and believe in myself. Not saying it is easy to live your dream, my experience is that you have to 'let go' of a lot of so called 'securities' in life e.g. a steady income from a job, you have to take complete personal responsibility for yourself and be willing to face rejection, failure and still keep on going. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities so completely that there is NO turning back... ever. When you can do this, the dream comes to YOU. It's a state of mind, emotion and spirit. Whatever YOU WANT - dream it, see it, feel it, believe it, expect it and work for it. It IS worth the sacrifices and the changes. To become aligned with your higest purpose and your highest good and live with true passion, knowing that you really do make a positive difference in this world is the best feeling ever. ~ Lisa Frances Judd ~ Artist, Psychic & Coach.
Chinedu Da Silva

Friday 16 March 2012


Work for a cause not for Applause, live life to express, not to impress, don't strive to make your presence noticed, but make your absense felt.
Chinedu Da Silva

A Speechless Message With Deep Feelings

" Both Are Quiet But Have Hundreds Of Things Running In The Mind.. "

Both Are Missing Each-other Badly..
But Want The Other One To Initiate The Conversation..

Both Want To Be With Each-other,
To Fight, To Argue, To Show Love,
But Would Pretend That They Are Fine Without Each-other..

Both Want To Meet Each-other,
But Will Not Say Anything..
And Waits Silently..

They Would Send Each-other Silly Msgs..
But Would Not Tell That 'Stupid I am Missing U "!!

This Is Love..
Sometimes We Miss Out On Most Loveable Moments.. Just Because We Want The Other One To Take The First Step. !!

Showing Love Might Improve The Situation..
But Showing Ego Definitely Ruins It ...!!


Wednesday 14 March 2012


The ego is the self arrogating aspect of the mind.

the ego is the greatest obstacle to obtaining peace, for it is that which occupies the mind with whether we are better or worse, possess more or lesser power than others.

The ego is attended by desire, pride, anger, dellusion, greed, jealousy, lust, hatred,racism and leadership.
The ego is the most difficult aspect of the mind to control, for its nature is such that it deludes even while one striving to overcome it.

When the ego is subdued, energies can then be utilized constructively for personal growth and the service of others.

Chinedu Da Silva

Monday 12 March 2012

Be content

Just when you think you have it bad, take a look around..There is someone out there that wishes they had your life. Be thankful for what you have and be blessed.What most don't realize, waking up is the first and best blessing of the day! Take advantage of it and use it wisely...
Sending prayers to all those who's suffering from Cancer and d likes...
VNTI- A Passion For Academic Excellence

Saturday 10 March 2012

Its All About You

I've decided to enjoy my life to the fullest no matter what! I intend to make each moment count and even though I may not be exactly built for this challenge, nevertheless, I'm going to give it the best I got and learn to love my life!

--- Da-Silva
VNTI- A Passion For Academic Excellence

The Power Of Patience

"How much patience do you have with Life? Are you willing to overcome minor obstacles as you move through your day? Consider the possibility that the little obstacles in life are not obstacles at all, but stepping stones. Look to see what they offer you in terms of growth, and you'll see their treasure."

Neale Donald Walsch
VNTI- A Passion For Academic Excellence